Today is my second time hooping.
The first time I tried it, I gave up after a few minutes because it just won’t stay around my waist spinning. So, I thought of trying it again today. Of course, it was triggered by something which happened yesterday. A colleague actually laughed when she saw my tummy fat bulging out. She pointed at it and gave it a good laugh. And I really mean a good laugh. Wicked good laugh.
This time, it got better. I’m able to maintain the spinning longer than the first time. I should be able to have it spin more longer as I practise more. It’s not that difficult once you get the hang of it.
I’m gonna hoop. I’m so going to hoop!
Hmmm… me also wanting to hoop. Tak leh tahan tau, tummy besar oii 😛
Hahaha. Today I showed my colleague my tummy and she went, “Grace, you really have grown fatter after working here. When you first came, you’re not that fat.”
Hula hoop, here I come!