Yo People! I AM BACK! 🙂
Been busy busy busy. Still busy but I must write.
Tomorrow is going to be my last day of work before Chinese New Year and I’ll be flying home. Iris won’t be celebrating Chinese New Year with us for the 2nd year so I’m gonna miss her as usual.
The last two weeks had been hectic, stayed until 9:30pm in the office last Friday to clear up that huge pile of work and redoing some tasks due to the unfortunate server crash. Managed to clear off most of my work by today. Tomorrow, I will make sure my plate is clean.
I’ve not finish cleaning the house. Thanks to my procrastination. My plan to clean the house over the weekend was interrupted. A friend called and asked me for lunch on Saturday and there I go, walking around One Utama for half a day. On Sunday, I managed to scrub and clean the balcony which was left uncleaned for a good 2 months or more. The toilet, left uncleaned for at least 2 weeks is now smelling like lemon. Plants have been decorated. Lanterns up. Chinese New Year deco up. Luggage 80% packed. But there is still more to be done and I’m contemplating of not going for dinner tomorrow and stay home to clean the house. Dinner is going to be long-winded one. It depends okay? Final decision to be made tomorrow. My mood changes. I felt like not going to the dinner about a few minutes ago. I’ll still dress up a bit to work tomorrow, just in case.
I was internet-less for a few days. Don’t know if it was because of service failure or that I was too smart in changing my Streamyx password online and then forgetting to change it on the router itself. I recalled just today that it might be because of that. Changed it at work while I was still having internet access and came home to be greeted with a PC that is proudly connected to Streamyx.
The flow of writing is not there anymore. i think it’s because I haven’t been writing daily as I normally do. Anyway, have a safe trip home and have a wonderful and prosperous Chinese New Year!
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