Election Fever!

It’s 12:19am and I’m still glued to the Internet and switching to the TV in between to catch the election results. I’m feeling really hungry now and the dishes are still left unwashed since dinner. It is very thrilling I would say, seeing Oppositions knocking down ministers and winning in places you don’t expect them to. I think it’s a good thing and acts as a message to the current government that some things are just not right and people are angry and discontented.

Judging by the way the media only portrays one-sided advertisements and write-ups is enough to piss people off. I’m one. It’s overdosed that I actually had to switch off the news which I religiously follow every night on the TV and I’ll be sitting in front of my PC, reading blogs and watching videos on ceramah. And I hated one advertisement particularly, the guys that says he feels safe walking on the streets, security is good…bla bla bla. For I certainly don’t feel so!

I’ve been calling Pappy every 10 minutes or so, just as the results are out one by one. I have to keep him updated. 🙂 And I’ve got a colleague who seemed to be more excited than I do, she keeps me updated while I kept my dad updated. My mum was more interested in watching the All-England Badminton Championship in Birmingham aired on TV2.

Even though I didn’t cast a vote this year (as my polling station is in Sandakan – Elopura), but it does not stop me from being excited about the whole election process.

I can only say, this is like magic!


  • littlebro says:

    I’ve casted my vote yesterday and gosh, the Opposition won in my area as well! (FYI, my area is Petaling Jaya Selatan)

    Seems like the citizens of Malaysia has finally voice out their seeds of discontent after such a long time.

    littlebro’s last blog post..u n e x p e c t e d

  • Grace says:

    I hope to cast my vote on the next election. Timing just wasn’t right for me this year to travel home.

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