Being driver isn’t that bad as the traffic condition is quite smooth. Maybe it’s the off-peak hours. I leave house around 9am and I can get to Iris’s workplace in 15 minutes’ time and then from there, it’ll take me another 15-20 minutes to reach my workplace. It rained today so it took longer to pick her up as there were more cars on a wet day compared to a dry day but it was still alright.
The good thing about the location is that there are alternative ways to get in out of it so I’m not stuck with just one option. The only upset living thing would be my stomach as by the time I leave work to pick Iris, it’s already dinner time.
June is a challenging month for me, financial wise. With Mummy’s birthday, Father’s Day, car insurance renewal, road tax renewal, 3 weddings, that are coming one after another this month, I won’t be able to save much. And those are just among a few of the bigger items that is killing my purse. I will need to eat in more starting next week. Been worrying about this for days because I hate it when I get stuck in a situation like that but I know it cannot be helped. I should start saving and allocating money for next June, when everything repeats again, except maybe for the 3 weddings.
I’m also sinking into a trend where I’ve been sleeping late from the start of this week. When I come home later, I just feel the need to just space out for awhile and then I get into the “don’t-feel-like-sleeping” mode when in fact, I am a bit sleepy and tired. I’m just restless this week. 2 more days to the weekend. Can’t wait!
2 more weeks to pay day. Can’t wait but it doesn’t excite me that much because it will be like money coming in, flowing out right after that. *sob sob*
Oh well, hoping for a better month in July.
Good morning. It’s 1:25am. 10 June 2010.
I hear ya! I feel the pain cause I’m in the same situation. Except, I’ll have to go through this for the next few months until I get out of the red. Ack!
We will come out of it alive!