Just in case you’re wondering what I’ve been doing:
I’ve been spending time with Mummy, who’s now back to Sandakan.
I’ve been sitting in the saloon for 4 hours. Read every glossy magazine within my sight.
I’ve been staring at myself because that’s what I normally do after a hairdo, whether or not I like what the hairdresser has done to my hair.
I’ve been tweaking my blog. Upgraded from WordPress 1.5.2 to 2.0.2. No one was hurt in the process, except I stayed up quite late due to the curiosity of why things are not working and the determination to get things work.
Added some plugins too. The obvious changes you will see in this blog is it’s gravatar-enabled. All you need to do is sign up for a free account at Gravatar. Each time you post a comment, remember to insert your email address because the gravatar will appear based on the email address you’ve entered which is also the same email address used when you sign up at Gravatar.
Else, you will be a purple snow flake like this Or whatever I want you to be.
Next, comes the one I love most. The Yahoo Messenger smilies which will grace both the blog entries and comments like this…:) 😀 😡
I’m still not done yet because there is so much that I’ve discovered. Don’t you just love the Internet?
Believe it or not, it’s already a quarter of 2006. The 2nd quarter of 2006 will be a busy one because I would need to get up early to cook, pack my lunch to the office. Mummy has been cooking for me for the past one whole month so there wasn’t much that I needed to worry. All that I needed to do was eat. Now that no one’s going to cook for me but myself, it’s time to visit the kitchen more frequently and coming out with a list of schedule of what to cook. Hopefully, I’ll be turned into some chef by the end of the 2nd quarter. The whole plan here is to domesticate myself. When cooking becomes a habit, it will no longer be a chore.
I am feeling so happy today even though all I’m doing now is stay at home. I love the fact that I’m at home on a Monday. I wish there were only 4 days of work and 3 days of holiday. Then, I can kiss Monday blues goodbye.
It’s 3:03 and I’m going to get my lunch.
want to know if i am a purple snowflake or something else.. :))
You are a purple snowflake la.:p
oh.. still a purple snowflake now. thought you can choose what you want me to be 😛
I can only choose once. I mean I only set one gravatar as a default gravatar. For now, it’s purple snowflake. Maybe next time you’ll be something else, that is when I decide to switch a new default gravatar.