Remember the Father’s Day card that I sent without a stamp? It reached Sandakan! Muahaha. There’s a cop “denda” on the top right corner where you normally stick your stamp.
Maybe someone at the post office read my card because it wasn’t seal when Mummy got it from the post office. Over here, the postman delivers the letters to you, to your house. Over there, we have to go to the post office to collect our letters.
Do you know who the card is addressed to? Not my father’s name but TO: THE WORLD’S GREATEST DAD. Ya, I actually wrote that. Anyway, I was very happy when I heard that the card arrived.
To whoever who helped sent my card, THANK YOU!
To whoever who helped pay for my denda, THANK YOU!
To Pejabat Pos Cyberjaya, THANK YOU!
To Pos Malaysia, THANK YOU SO MUCH!
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