You know, I discovered after almost two years how to adjust the digital clock of my car. After the accident, the clock wasn’t showing me the right time and I just didn’t know where to adjust it. Until today, I parked the car and read my car manual and found the button that I could twist to adjust the time.
I don’t know why I get happy and excited over little stuff like this but I was happy after having adjusted the clock.
The day before yesterday, I went to service the car alone. It’s the first time I went to get the car service by myself because all this while, it’s either Pappy or Mummy that would go with me. And sometimes Pappy will drive the car to get it serviced because he doesn’t want me to go alone.
This time around, they are not in KL and because I just met with an accident, it just felt safe to check the car as something wasn’t right about the car. The malfunction indicator light is on even though I have got enough brake and engine oil. It happened after I got the car from the workshop, so I decided to get the car another check, this time at the service centre which I usually visit.
The sensor is spoilt and I’m not sure if it’s spoilt because of the accident or that during repair, the workshop guy helped to banged it till it’s not crooked. And because I cannot claim insurance for that sensor, I had to fork out RM410, with service charge included to replace it with an original sensor.
So there goes my RM400 but it’s okay. I can earn it back again.
I want to work extra hard this month.
I know how you feel, Grace.. I had to fork out RM 800+ for my repairs too *ouch* So yea, work harder to earn more money 🙂
The song you’re looking for, if you haven’t found it.
Lays: THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH! Very sweet of you!