Combing and Driving

Traffic is lighter than usual today, much to my delight.

I don’t know if you do this. You see someone driving very slowly in front of you and you can see the driver turning his head to the passenger next to him, talking. Then you go, “Please stop talking and drive!” Because I found myself doing that a few times already.

I’ve seen people combing their hair when they drive but what I saw a few days ago was an eye-opener. A lady was driving and she started combing her hair, leaving just one hand on the steering wheel. The next second, I see her doing her hair with both her hands and the steering wheel was left to steer on its own. The car started to drift towards the outer lane and that is when she started realising that she’s driving in a car and not sitting in front of the mirror of her bedroom.


I have just bought the air tickets to go back to Sandakan next Chinese New Year. I know it’s very early to book it now and I’ve never booked it so early. But I was afraid the air fare will increase. I have got a friend whom I’ll be flying back with from KL and then from Sandakan. Very happy and also sad at the same time because Iris once again will not be joining us in Sandakan for Chinese New Year. It’s just not fun.

Ok folks, it’s time for some bed-time stories. Good night!

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