I don’t know what time I’ll be sleeping tonight. It’s 11:30pm already but I’m still stuck here completing my performance review form. This is by far the longest form I’ve seen as compared to the previous companies I’ve worked with.
Also stayed up till midnight last night to brainstorm and list down things in point form. Today, I’ve got to elaborate those points..and then think of more points.
December is going to be super busy for me. Working during weekends will come into the picture.
I’m sleepy and tired but to keep myself awake, I need to side track a bit and so I’m here to write something, listening to some Christmas songs…and now I have to go back to that form. Can’t wait for tomorrow to end because this week has been rather torturous. hehe
hang on there! 😉
thanks for ur email. =) i am superfine now.
I agree. That form is torturous too. Haha.
One of my buddies is always talking about your blog at work – finally came and checked it out today, nice work! I’m subscribing to your rss feed – keep on posting!