I’m at my grandpa’s house. This is my 2nd drive to Merlimau, just me and my mum. We stopped by at Melaka for lunch. I brought mum to the famous chicken rice ball at Chung Wah restaurant. Mum despite being a Malaccan, has never eaten chicken rice ball before. Can you imagine? Me the Sabahan had to bring her to taste it.
It’s my first time driving in Melaka town. Depended on Google map and managed to find Jonker Street. Happy that I got a parking spot too. I like driving around to new places like that.
There’s practically nothing to do here. No Internet access so I’m relying on my iPhone data plan. Iris didn’t tag along this time so I’ve got no one to talk to.
I was mad at my mum initially because I already have plans to meet up with a friend. I have postponed our meet-up twice, this would be the third because I had to drive mum to Melaka.
But I know I will feel uncomfortable to abandon my mum to take a bus down by herself. So I’ve got no choice to let my friend down again.
Usually when my parents are around, I’d have to sacrifice my me time and time with friends. It makes me go crazy sometimes but I always try to talk myself into thinking it is alright.
My sister is better at not feeling bad too much when she really needs to go out and socialise. I on the other hand sometimes cannot let past the feeling of guilt and thinking about leaving my parents alone.
Anyway it’s good to be away from the city and enjoy the kampung life over the weekend.
I’m like you too, Grace, I feel bad for not spending enough time with my family whenever they are around. But just so you know, you did the right thing. I mean, it’s not always that your parents are in town, so whenever they are, you should spend time with them :D