I’m going to have a sleepy day at work tomorrow. It’s 1am and I just took my bath and all getting ready to bed. Was at the Stadium Putra, Bukit Jalil to watch the tennis matches between John McEnroe, Bjorn Borg, James Blake and Roger Federer. Among the 4, I only know one of them, which is Roger Federer so I wasn’t really 100% excited to go watch the match. I was there because I’ve got free tickets. Pappy got them from don’t know where and his friends were tagging along….and Pappy wasn’t sitting with me. He upgraded himself to sit somewhere for free while I was stuck with his friends. Haha!
But I really enjoyed it. My first time watching a tennis match in an indoor stadium and it was cold inside! John McEnroe was very funny and entertaining. I thought Bjorn Borg was very cool and very “yau yeng”. So I got to know who James Blake is and everybody was going crazy over Roger Federer. You could hear the occasionally, “I Love You Roger Federer!” from the crowd.
I have been feeling quite empty inside generally and I was trying to pin-point what exactly it is that is making me feel like there is no substance in my daily working life. Until a few days ago, I got to talk to someone new at work and it gave me a different shed of light and I was having lunch with someone who I don’t usually lunch with and something kind of hit me…and for some reason, I told myself I want to be a better person starting today. I don’t know how better that would be but I guess I want to put meaning in what I do….even though it’s hard to see how meaningful I can put it into use but it’s do-able.
I need to have that spark of passion lighted up to get going again. Half of the time, I’m just trudging through. It’s easy getting trapped in doing what you do everyday, you already know the routines, you know what steps you need to go through but we often forget that we must also understand and have a bird’s eye view about things that we do and why are we doing it. Sometimes we know certain things must be done in certain ways but we never go figure why it must be done that way…or could there be any other ways to get things done.
So you see…I’ve got a lot of thinking to do. This came about as I’ve been staring at the same thing for so long that I figured I have to put some colours on it…else it’s going to be just plain dull and boring for the days to come.
me too! i will try as well 😀