My plans are all upside down.
Received change of plan this morning. Friends prefer going somewhere else in the afternoon so I decided to just go fix my car. Changed a new battery and did normal servicing.My car has faithfully served me throughout the years..coming to 4 years soon so I must not torture it. I don’t like the idea of getting stranded next week before I fly back.
Received another change of plan in the afternoon. Friend who wants to talk to someone said she won’t be free. So I’ve decided to shop myself and talk to myself tomorrow. Ada saja changes. Aku ni tak faham. Dah lah cakap Friday dinner so I cakap ok. Lepas tu tiba-tiba cakap Friday tak boleh pula…suggest Sunday. So I cakap ok. Lepas tu, dia cakap pula Sunday tak boleh. Aku tak faham sebab semua pun dia cakap. Dia yang suggest lepas tu dia yang cakap tak boleh. Sekarang ni, aku dah takde mood nak pergi jumpa dia. Apa apa sajalah. Esok I will make sure I have a good time.
Today’s plan…WORK. lepas tu pergi dinner, balik dan WORK lagi. then tengok la kalau mata saya masih boleh buka, I will WORK some more because esok aku tak nak tengok kerja aku lagi. Tomorrow is shopping, cleaning and decoration day.
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