I have learnt that despite not having the perks that I think would make be happier, I am still happy.
I don’t know what it is that makes me go the extra mile and not feeling tired of it. I’m thinking…passion.
I wished I had more space and personal time with my busy schedule (it has been a crazy April and even crazier May) but I’m also grateful for being busy because it keeps me occupied, keeps me on track, always pushing myself to stick to the timelines because I cannot afford to procrastinate.
My bedtime stories are now Korean podcasts!! Sometimes I doze off without finish listening to them because I’m plain tired. The only time I have to do my revision is after work at night. Come every Friday, I would feel excited and worried because of my Korean class on Saturday. My teacher is a very nice person and during each lesson, you will feel her push. She pushes you to learn quickly, she pushes you to make sure you study at home. I have homework to be done and on top of that I try to read as much as I can. Sometimes I don’t feel I’ve revised enough which is why I feel worried before going to class on Saturday. However, it’s also this little dread feeling which is a feeling you’d normally feel as a beginner that adds spice to your life.
The intimidation, the panic and then subsequently overcoming it, knowing new words, learning to form sentences..and then you think you have learnt a lot but as you progress, you discover that there’s still so much to learn. The climb is sometimes so steep, it’s difficult. Even though I’ve known English for all my life, I’d always feel there’s always new words to learn so what more a new language? But through it all, I’m glad I made the decision to learn a new language.
You will sometime catch me pronouncing some random Korean words I see on food labels or menu, or song lyrics, or movie title, or just about any Korean words I come across and it puts a smile on my face.
I’m off to another podcast! I love you!
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