To Hop or not to Hop

It’s so nice to wake up really late in the morning to find yourself kissing Ducky so happily. Yes, I do kiss Ducky sometimes.

Then, to receive a call from a friend who’s currently in Australia. You tell her things you can never tell anyone.

The thing I like about having friends is that you get to tell different things to different people.

Went out to have brunch with Iris and when we went to get The Sunday Star, I pointed out to the headline, “DON’T JOB-HOP” and Iris laughed.

“Why you laugh?”

“Because you cannot be a bunny anymore. Cannot hop!”

We got home and I was washing my clothes.

“Remember ah, Bunny. Cannot hop!”

Then, she laughed to herself.

Should I listen to the Deputy Prime Minister or not?


  • fishtail says:

    His live interview was pathetic. He thinks we are all fools, telling us our gas prices are still lower than that in Thailand and Singapore, etc. And the interviewer didn’t even think of bombarding him with comments like, “But Thailand and Singapore are NOT petrol producing countries, we are” or “Aren’t we forgetting that there is much earning power in Singapore than in Malaysia?”

  • Grace says:

    fishtail: True. I guess we just have to guard our wallets now.

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