Getting another free 2-Hour Spa treatment for 2 persons in Bali on top of the…
Happiness Is…
Happiness Is…#40
looking at you! Tell me how can you not be happy when you have this…
Happiness Is …#39
Dancing in front of the mirror! Alone. At home. To this song. ?????????? He came…
Happiness Is …#38
…investing in unit trust with my own money!
Happiness Is …#37
Applying Rain-X, a rain repellent, on my car windshield. It was drizzling today and the…
Happiness Is …#36
Sleeping with two ducks. One on your left arm. The other on your right arm.…
Happiness Is …#35
…is having the ability to grow hair!!! I’ve never grown my hair to the length…
Happiness Is …#34
Owning a new Olympus mju 780 bought with my own money. Officially, this is my…
Happiness Is …#33
when Streamyx is working again after 12 days. I feel like I’m reborn today! ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR…