Power Chain

Went to the dentist today. I was expecting a tooth extraction but HURRAY THERE WAS NONE TODAY!!

Dentist gave me a power chain. I know…sounds so canggih right? It’s just a super strong elastics to close the gap of my previous extraction. Suddenly I feel that my mouth is full of gadgets. And there’s going to be more added to the current collection next month.

Dentist suggested me to have a mini-screw. I don’t really like the sound of those 2 words. Mini-screw. Eww!

It’s going to be screw that would go through the gum. I have this very protruding molar which is giving me problems. I don’t want to lose it so I think I’m going with the mini-screw which would help to support that molar to move inwards then the dentist can extend my braces so that that molar will join the rest of the teeth. I don’t know if it hurts but I would want to think it hurts. Whether or not it hurts, I don’t really have a choice. So it’s just something I need to do next whether I like it or not.

Then, I might need a mini-implant. This one sounds scarier. Mini-screw will be taken off once the molar is corrected. Implant would meanĀ  permanent because I’m planting a teeth. And thanks to my previous dentist who screwed up by removing my healthy molar…..now I have to do implant for my lower jaw…or else the mini-screw that supports the molar of the upper jaw will be knocking against my gum. I will be cursing my previous dentist until my braces treatment is over. It was supposed to be a much simpler process but because of that molar that was extracted when I was in secondary school, the story has changed.

Anyway, I’m seeing progress with the gap though. It’s still big but I know it’s moving inwards.

God bless Gracie and her teeth!


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