The pipe burst and instead of my house getting flooded, my neighbour’s house was affected. This is due to the design of the pipe that is linked at the top floor so since I’m at the ground floor, I’m not affected even though the pipe that burst belongs to us.
The water supply to our house has been cut until the pipe is fixed. That would mean a day without water. After work and dinner, we came back, packed our stuff and went to the toilet near the swimming pool to have our bath. Thank God for this toilet!!! Brushed my teeth too before coming back. There is no water but the water wasn’t too cold. In fact, it was quite refreshing. So yea, my life has started to get a little bit more interesting.
Tomorrow we’ll be washing our face and brushing our teeth with the mineral water we got since I don’t like the idea of wearing my pyjamas, getting to the pool toilet with bleary eyes, bad hair and a stinky mouth. 90 cents for a big bottle. I’ve never bought mineral water that cheap. Hopefully we’ll have the water supply back tomorrow.
Mummy was worried about having no water and she’s not here at the moment.
“Can or not oh?” She asked.
“Ma, we have survival skills, ok?”
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