My iPhone and Me

…is inseparable.

It would be embarrassing for me to reveal that I’ve only gotten (well, learnt!) to sync my iPhone with iTunes to update the software, sync music, wallpapers and so on after 6 months owning one. And I just discovered I could charge the battery by just plugging in the USB cable to my notebook or desktop computer.


When in doubt, I fire up Safari and google away.

When lost, I Google Map my way.

When bored at work and trying to stay awake, I iPod my ears.

The one thing I love most is the boundless world of applications, anything you can think of. I can check on Twitter, I can blog with WordPress, I can even play the piano. It does really sound like a piano. On nights that I can’t fall asleep, I’ll play Do Re Mi. Not kidding.

This is where I like to go for some nice and creative iPhone wallpapers. Poolga.

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