Day 3: House Visiting

Visited a friend today. We went to the same primary school and secondary school. I…

Day 2: Reunion ???

Total count of lion: 2 No photos taken because no one was home and so…

Day 1: Spring Festival

Gong Xi Fa Cai! It rained super heavily starting 7 something in the morning. Another…

Gong Xi Fa Cai!

Gracie and family wishes everyone a prosperous, wealthy, healthy and auspicious Year of the Ox!…

Deco Done

Over a span of 2 days, I have been visiting supermarkets for 5 times. 3…

I’m Home!

Very pleased with myself today. Managed to make myself another cup of apple juice in…

I’m Coming!

It rained very heavily today, just like yesterday but it didn’t dampen my mood. I…


Siaran tergendala. Was about to start packing and suddenly my stomach started to do some…


SUPER JAM day. Took me more than an hour to reach home due to heavy…