For the first time in a very long time, I actually feel DRAINED while I…
Mummy flew back home and naughty Gracie decided to come out and play! She went…
Today is Not a Good Day to Take the LRT
I’ve got a lot to write but I’ve got no time since I have been…
My First Blood Test
and it wasn’t scary at all. The male nurse was very good. He initially wanted…
I Rant!
Sorry but I’ve got to rant. My mood is actually quite chirpy like I was…
Mari Kita Mengarang
Hari ni saya ada kawan baru lagi. Dia orang baru yang datang hari ni. Seperti…
Road Block Again!
Early in the morning, I’ve already got a headache. Another unexpected traffic jam just as…
Block Here and There
Guess some of you are caught in the wonderful traffic jam today. I was affected…
Saya Ada Kawan Baru
I think I have found a friend. Alhamdulillah syukur nikmat. Malaysia maju rakyat selamat. We…