

Mummy flew back home and naughty Gracie decided to come out and play! She went…

My First Blood Test

and it wasn’t scary at all. The male nurse was very good. He initially wanted…

I Rant!

Sorry but I’ve got to rant. My mood is actually quite chirpy like I was…

Mari Kita Mengarang

Hari ni saya ada kawan baru lagi. Dia orang baru yang datang hari ni. Seperti…

Road Block Again!

Early in the morning, I’ve already got a headache. Another unexpected traffic jam just as…

Block Here and There

Guess some of you are caught in the wonderful traffic jam today. I was affected…

Saya Ada Kawan Baru

I think I have found a friend. Alhamdulillah syukur nikmat. Malaysia maju rakyat selamat. We…