Thank you Number_Six for calling me at 11 something last night because you said you…
Happy Birthday, Daughter
Dearest Grace, When you were little, you filled so many lives with sunshine… It was…
I Can’t Sleep
and I’m listening to Duffy’s “Warwick Avenue”. Bloody good song. Been thinking of revamping the…
Gumpy Sunday
Had lunch at Bubba Gump, The Curve. A treat from beloved ex-colleague. Reminds me of…
Total Damage Done
I foresee challenging work days ahead. Wasn’t expecting to meet them that soon but yea,…
On Being Quiet
Someone commented that I’m quiet. Very quiet. I think this is the 3rd time though…
Random Nonsense
Went for a dip again today. I’m such a good girl. Did 8 laps. I…
Network Down
Internet connection has been very slow at home. It takes me awhile before I can…
I am a Fish
I just felt like swimming today and I did. My first time swimming since I…