When I finally get to taste my first McDonald’s Big Mac today! o:-)
I cried myself to sleep last night. It was difficult to write what I wrote…
Ring Ring
I don’t like today. As another team was short handed, I had to fill in…
Kacang Kuda
“I know it’s not my problem and I know it’s not yours too.” But both…
Change of Destination
I feel like as my expiry date gets nearer, I’m doing more and I’m doing…
Point Form
Hard disk crashed. Open up system unit and removed dead hard disk. Leaving another behind.…
This morning, Mummy and I was in battle zone. She attacked and I was left…
Sweet and bitter day. Bitter because some people is just lashing out instruction, thinking it’s…
To the Ground Floor and Back
I met the new girl who’s replacing me. Today is her first day at work.…